Friday 19 December 2008

My Fourth Book Review for the Africa Reading Challenge: From Juliet to Julius

From Juliet to Julius: In Search of My True Gender Identity
Author: Julius Kaggwa
Publisher: Fountain Publisher, Kampala
ISBN: 9970-02-131-1
Pages: x + 115
Reviewer: D. Mwesigye Gumisiriza

It has been called an extra-ordinary story, and indeed it is. The author recounts his story that in many instances feels ‘stranger than fiction’: how he was raised as a girl, grew up as a woman and eventually became a man.

After he was born, his mother consulted ancestral spirits over his ‘abnormal’ sexual parts, and it was dictated that the baby was a girl. And thus, Julius begun his life as Juliet—a life that he [or she at that time] never really adjusted to especially in the adolescent years when Juliet/Julius was more aware of the characteristics of a girl. For instance, having menstruation periods, which he/she never experienced but had to pretend about it and many other things like this. As a consequence of trying to fit in, Juliet was not able to form close friendships during high school. Ironically, it was through the help of friends that Juliet was able and supported to make the transition to Julius.

Losing both his parents to AIDS, facing social stigma and feeling more like a man, Juliet had to overcome these and many other challenges to become what she really felt like—male instead of female. With counselling and seeking guidance as a ‘born again Christian’, Julius slowly and painfully adjusted to his new identity....or more appropriately, true gender.

This autobiography is written in a very simple style, it is easy to read and lively....despite a few grammar errors and repetitions, it feels like Juliet/Julius is recounting her/his experiences in a conversation with her/him instead of through a book!

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